About Me


My involvement in natural medicine goes back many years and I hold certificates in:

  • Systematic Kinesiology 
  • Chiropractic
  • Chinese medicine
  • Yin Shin Do 
  • Hypnotherapy​

I am a practitioner of kinesiology having qualified with the Academy of Systematic Kinesiology in London (ASK) and holding the certificate. I constantly continue to develop my knowledge by attending regular seminars with ASK.

I am in to homeopathy for over 20 years, which I studied earlier in East Ashram. 

Chinese medicine became my great inspiration and unleashed my curiosity in research for natural methods of treatment in health restoration.

Years ago I discovered yoga and in a short time became my great passion. I practice meditation regularly, from which I derive immense satisfaction and strength for everyday activities.

Thanks to the above, I developed a deeper understanding of the meaning of life and the world in which we live. This has a huge influence not only to my patients, but is also inspiration to my friends and family.

I am committed to helping people to achieve and maintain optimum health through gentle and non-invasive techniques in response to the body’s own needs.


You can find my diplomas and certificates that confirmed my professional qualification as natural therapist.