The Mission

Yoga Heart

Yoga is a inner journey offers much more than physical exercises.

In our modern society many people are struggling with serious health problems such as anxiety, depression, insomnia or worries. This occurs due to lack of balance between the heart and the brain. Our program helps to restore the harmony and promotes happiness and peace of mind.

Research has shown that the heart communicates to the brain in four major ways:
  • Neurologically - transmission of nerve impulses
  • Biochemically - via hormones and neurotransmitters
  • Biophysically - through energetic waves
  • Energetically - via electromagnetic field interaction

Brain Fitness 

When our brain is balanced our body restores health and harmony.

The Brain Fitness is a simple and powerful program, that comprises a set of exercises to make our brain smarter and sharper. The program consists easy body movements, that are designed to make the two sides of the brain-work together. Thanks to the program our brain will reach optimal memory, concentration and physical coordination.

The brain exercises was created by Dr Paul Dennison in 1970, which carried out a lot of research in the field of Educational Kinesiology. Brain fitness activates areas of the motor cortex and frontal lobe, what affects the development of nerve networks in the brain. The exercises can be used anytime, anywhere and by any age group. 


Fitness brain is also called "yoga for brain". It develops brain integration and can help support any age with challenges in things like:

  • Memory
  • Self confidence
  • ADD/ ADHD/ Behaviour
  • Maths
  • Spelling
  • Speech and Languages
  • Listening skills
  • Motivation
  • Concertation
  • Creative and analytical thinking
  • Vision

Who uses Brain Fitness ?

The exercises are very effective if used before a particular activity e.g. exams, meetings, presentations, interviews, sporting activities performing arts, etc.

  • Business men
  • Actors
  • Students
  • Sportsmen
  • Teachers – especially with children who suffer from dyslexia or dysgraphia.
  • Anyone who wants to keep their brain sharp and balanced.

Meditate, because Google has no app for happiness

Meditation is easier than you think.

Meditation can change your live and help when we needed most.

  • Achieve amazing relaxed state of mind
  • Have better concentration
  • Boost your mental strength
  • Develop intuition
  • Increase brain capacity 

After each class you can take advantage of a free meditation session 


Thanks to meditation you can experience the meaning of life

Thousands of scientific researches confirming how meditation changes favourably every aspect of our life. One of the most important skills in life is mindfulness which can be achieved through meditation. The most important reason for beginning the practice of meditation is the desire for self-realisation to understand who you really are and what is your real essence?

If you come to our classes you can learn to meditate with ancient sounds, using several ways with different techniques.


Medical Disclaimer

The program is not intended to replace other medical advice but to work alongside it.  Please continue to communicate with your GP or specialist and keep them informed of any developments.