

Yoga Heart and Brain Fitness is a program that involves exercises and methods to help us reach our fullest potential.

My mission is to share and reveal powerful techniques, to make your life better and to help you find the true happiness… because it’s all about you!

Did you know you can?

  • Restore your health
  • Beat stress
  • Achieve relaxed state of mind
  • Fight memory loss
  • Discover the hidden genius
  • Cut off old age, have fun, stay young


When our heart and brain are balanced, our body responds to restore health and harmony.


The Mission

Brain Fitness is a simple and powerful program which comprises of a set of exercises which help to make your brain smarter and sharper.

About Me

I am committed to helping people to achieve and maintain optimum health through gentle and non-invasive techniques in response to the body’s own needs.


Currently we are setting up sessions around Reading, Guildford and Woking area. Available dates and time for venues of upcoming sessions


Training with Izabela and her recommendations were great support for me after my brother’s unexpected death. I think that the saying “time will heal” is only true if we allow the healing process to unfold. Iza help me with that. Thank You.

Dorothy, 26

In 2015 heart attack made me realize that I need to take responsibility for my own well being and changes things round. My cardiologist said that my heart attack is due to the high stress coming from running the company and recommended meditation, diet and exercise. I contacted Izabela and discovered that practicing with her, is way much more than a great workout. Now I’m fit, balanced, have energy and healthy mind. My outlook is positive and relaxed, same as my body and spirit. Thank you Iza.

Sylwester Cizla
Sylwester Cizla

I wish to thank Iza for teaching me this simple and effective technique that has helped me so much. Because of this I can think more clearly, feel more relaxed and I can handle stress better. I have also been teaching these techniques to kids in primary school and they found it very enjoyable and where eager to take part. Within a couple of weeks there was a very noticeable effect on the kids. They could focus more, they would more easily take and follow instructions and they had a general improvement of their wellbeing. I truly recommend this to everyone!

Frank R.Johnsen
Frank R. Johnsen
Yoga for brain is a complex set of exercises which will help you gain balance of your soul, body and mind. These exercises helped me pass the massage exam and I was so inspired by Iza that I started doing the exercises regularly. I included yoga for brain to my hatha yoga classes and I must say they are very popular. The exercises that involve arrangements of fingers always make classes participants happy. The exercises are amazing because they are so simple and you can see the effects immediately. I recommend them to everyone who leads a hectic life and not has much free time during the day.


Jakub, 26

I am grateful for the warm and absolutely professional approach, that led to emotional healing and unblocking. My case was very difficult, because it appealed to a childhood wound. I was not able to decide on most important decisions because I was holding up to my painful experiences. Thanks to Ms. Izabela, I gained a huge sense of relief and hope for a better future.

Eulalia, Edinburgh

Simple treatment has had for me miracle effect . This is my story, which needs no comments. Thanks to your help I will soon become a happy first time mum. It was a life changing expirience which I recommend to everyone. Izabela, please continue to help others using your profound knowledge about health.

Annette, 43

Everything has changed now as I’ve stopped being so worried about accepting changes in my life, my confidence has been boosted and  I have been given an immense feeling of peace of mind that I need most. I could move forward and start enjoying life again. I would definitely recommend Izabela to anyone, who requires emotional releasing. She is simply wonderful!

Teresa Bryant

Yoga Heart and Brain Fitness 

Our brain has two halves left and right hemispheres as a separate entities. They are able to communicate with each other through the corpus callosum -  a thick bundle of nerves. Find more..

Upcoming Events

Currently we are setting up sessions around Reading, Guildford and Woking area. Available dates and time for venues of upcoming sessions you can find here.

Our Gallery

Please visit our gallery page to meet our fantastic participants and to taste the unique atmosphere that is created during the session. Visit Gallery



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